Thursday, May 10, 2012

Entry Way Re-Do with a Thrifted STEAL!

I've mentioned in the past that Saturdays are the best days to hit the estate sales if you're looking for steals.  If you drive up during the last hour, look to do some major bargaining and clear some room in your trunk!  I benefited recently from this method and walked away with an awesome, hand crafted antique wooden entry table for my entry hall, a room that had stood practically empty for *cough* nearly 2 years *cough*.  

The table may not look like it, but it was in a pretty rough state, however, I knew it had great potential.  The only real issue that couldn't be overcame with a little TLC was the lack of drawers.  I believe it was for this reason that it was marked so inexpensive and was still available on day 3 of a big estate sale (that and It was hidden under lots of nick knacks).  I scored this table for....$4 and some change.  I was pretty proud...still am.  I knew that I would have to factor in paint and baskets, but at that price, I knew I'd still come in way under budget.  

Here is a picture of my final product.  After a thorough sanding with the electric sander, and patience painting, I added a few accessories and now have a very inviting entry way!

Total Costs:
Table: $4
Paint: Free (Found in Garage)
Baskets: $16 (Hobby Lobby- Half Off)
Lamp: $20 (TJ Maxx Clearance)
Painting: TJ Maxx (Old)
All other accessories from around house/garage

Have you ever re-done furniture? What are your favorite places to find pieces? What are your favorite techniques?

1 comment:

  1. so cute!! i'm about to re-do a nightstand. i need to go find a cute knob at anthro!
