Thursday, May 24, 2012

Vintage Loves

It's been a little while since my last post so I just wanted to quickly post a few pictures of a few of my recent favorite found treasures.  I'll be honest...I haven't been great about taking pictures lately, but I'll get back in the habit-- promise! :)

The necklace above is seriously unreal incredible.  It's in near mint condition and made with strings of lightweight painted wood beads!  I found it in a little antique mall in my hometown and was ecstatic to be able to take it home and call it mine...especially since I "fought" my sister for it!  I promised her I would not sell it (how could I?) and that she could borrow it any time (we share!).  For those of you who don't know, my baby sister is my best friend, my "mini-me", and my co-treasure hunter.  She has great style and we work really well together!

 People always say, "photos just don't do this justice", but that is SO TRUE for this adorable mint dress with pretty scalloped lace!  I had to give this little gem a little TLC but it is so stinking cute, it was worth it.  Too bad it's TINY!!!!

Now these white screw post chandelier earrings are one of my all-time favorite finds.  At a recent estate sale I got a few cute pairs of earrings (some of which I'll be re-purposing for a necklace-stay tuned), but these beauties almost got missed, as they were hidden in the fancy display case.  They aren't in perfect condition but I just couldn't pass them up!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Entry Way Re-Do with a Thrifted STEAL!

I've mentioned in the past that Saturdays are the best days to hit the estate sales if you're looking for steals.  If you drive up during the last hour, look to do some major bargaining and clear some room in your trunk!  I benefited recently from this method and walked away with an awesome, hand crafted antique wooden entry table for my entry hall, a room that had stood practically empty for *cough* nearly 2 years *cough*.  

The table may not look like it, but it was in a pretty rough state, however, I knew it had great potential.  The only real issue that couldn't be overcame with a little TLC was the lack of drawers.  I believe it was for this reason that it was marked so inexpensive and was still available on day 3 of a big estate sale (that and It was hidden under lots of nick knacks).  I scored this table for....$4 and some change.  I was pretty proud...still am.  I knew that I would have to factor in paint and baskets, but at that price, I knew I'd still come in way under budget.  

Here is a picture of my final product.  After a thorough sanding with the electric sander, and patience painting, I added a few accessories and now have a very inviting entry way!

Total Costs:
Table: $4
Paint: Free (Found in Garage)
Baskets: $16 (Hobby Lobby- Half Off)
Lamp: $20 (TJ Maxx Clearance)
Painting: TJ Maxx (Old)
All other accessories from around house/garage

Have you ever re-done furniture? What are your favorite places to find pieces? What are your favorite techniques?

Monday, May 7, 2012

Welcome, Baby Girl!

Handmade Felt Wreath for the Hospital Room Door

A few weeks ago, on a beautiful spring afternoon, we welcomed the newest member of the family, sweet baby Emersyn.  We had been looking forward to this day since our sister-in-law gave us the news, and as you can see below, we couldn't be more smitten! 

Proud Aunt and Uncle with our sweet niece!

I also co-hosted a baby shower for my sister-in-law a few months back and snapped a few shots of some of the decor.  For the shower, I made my first ever diaper cake (there are so many great, free tutorials online), some fun bright felt garland, and a name banner!  We decorated the room with the garland and bright paper lanterns hanging from the ceiling.  It was simple but fun.  I saved the wreath I made (above) for her birthday, and hung it on her hospital room door!  

Diaper Cake

Gift Table
The shower theme was primarily just to match with the nursery colors, which I love!  I found the perfect stationary for the shower invites that were right in line with the scheme.  We hosted the shower at one of her aunt's apartment club house, which was nice and centrally located for all of her guests.  

Shower Invitation
During the shower we served a selection of tea sandwiches, pasta salad, and veggies, ate cupcakes, and played some baby jeopardy.  I'm not a huge shower game fan, but everyone had a lot of fun.  The categories were all baby related, for example: Baby Animals (A: Fawn, Q: What is a baby deer?), Baby Talk (A: Binky, Q: What is a pacifier?), Baby Tunes (A: "Baby, Baby, Baby, Ohhhh" Q: Who is Justin Beiber?), Famous Babies (A: Apple, Q: Who is Gweneth Paltrow's daughter?), etc.  Prizes were awarded and new facts were learned! 

I also created this little "Wishes for Baby" card for each guest to complete for the baby's memory book.  It is something simple that will bring smiles for years, and serves as a guest book as well.  I got this idea here and just designed my own to match the shower and be personalized.

Wishes for Baby card

What are your favorite things about baby showers?  Any favorite games?  I'd love to hear them, as I plan on hosting many, many more showers for friends and family in the future.  I cant help it... I truly enjoy "showering" the ones I love!