Thursday, May 24, 2012

Vintage Loves

It's been a little while since my last post so I just wanted to quickly post a few pictures of a few of my recent favorite found treasures.  I'll be honest...I haven't been great about taking pictures lately, but I'll get back in the habit-- promise! :)

The necklace above is seriously unreal incredible.  It's in near mint condition and made with strings of lightweight painted wood beads!  I found it in a little antique mall in my hometown and was ecstatic to be able to take it home and call it mine...especially since I "fought" my sister for it!  I promised her I would not sell it (how could I?) and that she could borrow it any time (we share!).  For those of you who don't know, my baby sister is my best friend, my "mini-me", and my co-treasure hunter.  She has great style and we work really well together!

 People always say, "photos just don't do this justice", but that is SO TRUE for this adorable mint dress with pretty scalloped lace!  I had to give this little gem a little TLC but it is so stinking cute, it was worth it.  Too bad it's TINY!!!!

Now these white screw post chandelier earrings are one of my all-time favorite finds.  At a recent estate sale I got a few cute pairs of earrings (some of which I'll be re-purposing for a necklace-stay tuned), but these beauties almost got missed, as they were hidden in the fancy display case.  They aren't in perfect condition but I just couldn't pass them up!!!

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