Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Saturday at Pearl & The Garage of Good Recap

Last month I posted about an upcoming event that is held at Pearl and that I look forward to every time it comes around: The Garage of Good.  It took place this past Saturday and boy, did we make a day of it. 

Just when we thought winter had pretty much missed San Antonio all together, we got quite a little cold front this past weekend.  However, despite the wind and chill, it was an absolutely beautiful day at the Pearl (one of my fave spots in town- can you tell?).  

We arrived at the event just shortly after it opened and it was jam packed...especially the booth I was most excited about: The Kendra Scott Sample Sale!  Kendra Scott jewelry can be found in high end retailers like Nordstrom, boutiques, and her own stores.  She hails from just up I35 in Austin and we ("San Antonians") were odviously more than thrilled to have her here!  I patiently sifted through all the beautiful pieces, having to show quite a bit of self control as I wanted EVERYTHING.  I came out with 4 pairs of earrings (one for my sister) and a necklace. Ahhhh-MAZING.  At this point, however, I could no longer feel my fingertips due to the cold and lack of sunlight under the highway. Brrrrrrrrrr....
More than satisfied with my finds, but slightly frustrated with the crowds, we decided to leave the Garage of Good retailer space for a bit and venture over to the farmer's market to meet up with my aunt and cousins, where we hung out for the next hour or so.  We just sat enjoyed the sunshine, live music, delicious food, and conversation... perfection.  I could just "hang out" there all day, especially in the company of my cousin's sweet daughter who I just adore!  Can't you just tell that was some delicious hot chocolate by that smile?

Speaking of delicious... check out the chicken and waffles we enjoyed.  I have never had this famous combination and let me tell you...It was out of this world!!!  It was made to order and unbelievably fresh.  The fried chicken was very lightly battered with the perfect combination of seasonings and the waffle was light and fluffy on the inside and crisp and flavorful on the outside.  Perfection.  It's no wonder they sold out!

With full bellies and thawed hands, we all headed back over the Garage of Good to finish out the day with some more shopping.  

What a perfect Saturday!!! And since the farmer's market is every Saturday, I look forward to making more memories at the Pearl Farmer's Market this year.  If you're local, I encourage you to check it out and support your community...because it is proven: when you buy local more money stays in the community.  That'll make you smile! 

  Have a wonderful day!  

1 comment:

  1. Great information! Can't wait for the next GOG event. Hope you can soon start a booth there.
