Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wedding Season and Easter Weekend Fun...with a Birthday thrown in there!

Wedding Season is in FULL SWING and boy, do I love weddings!  Call me a romantic, but I cry at every single one, right at the moment of the bride coming down the isle!  Love is beautiful, and nothing says love like the look on the faces of a giddy, gushing, glowing bride and groom!

Since my mind has been on weddings lately, and because I had a custom hair piece request, I have jumped back on the bridal accessory making train.  Bridal accessories are so much fun to make and I really enjoy helping brides complete their vision for their perfect day.

Above is a hair piece I made for a friend for her wedding this Friday.  It is a peacock themed wedding and I am happy I was able to make her something special.  The center will be different because she is adding her own brooch, but I used a trusty stand in for the photo.  Also, the lighting made the center look a little yellow so I'll post a picture of it in action after the big day!

I put this clutch together for fun and loved the way it turned out.  I think it would be fun for a bride to have this one and then the bridesmaids to have matching ones with the flower in the color of the wedding theme/dresses.  You can't tell by the picture, but the center is swarovski crystals.

Above are two other past wedding pieces I have made.  There are so many different options and I really enjoy changing things up and experimenting with new materials, designs and colors.  

We have a big weekend ahead of us and I'm super pumped and anxious!  Tomorrow night we are going to dinner for my birthday with family at one of my favorite places, Fralos Pizza in Leon Springs.  Then Friday, Good Friday, is my birthday and the wedding of two very special friends.  Then Saturday we are spending with my in-laws on the lake for Easter, lots of quality family time and hopefully a chance to get out on the water.  Then Easter Sunday we are spending with my family, and of course, hunting for Easter eggs...what? I'm too old for that? Please...they put money in those things now.  

On a serious note, Happy Easter Weekend!  He is Risen!  Blessings to you all! Thanks for reading!

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