Friday, February 24, 2012

Night at the Museum

Warhol in San Antonio.  

Last night my sister an I had a date night at the museum.  We stood inches away from the actual canvases of Picasso, Renoir, Monet, and of course, Warhol, just to name a very few.  The same canvases they stood inches away from creating this history.  It simply just blows my mind.  I'm not sure why; I guess because to me, experiencing art is so amazing, and it's right here in my home town.  Love.

My sister is a junior art major at UTSA and is a very talented artist herself.  It was fun having her there to school me on all things art history that I only vaguely remember from high school art class.  We had such a great time admiring the talents of those before us and are so thankful to be able to do so, so accessibly.  We left close to closing with a commitment to return as often as possible and dreams of traveling to other museums around the world.

Takeaways: Art is everywhere.  Appreciate different points of view.  Don't disregard mistakes as trash, as they are part of the process.  Collect more art!  Create more art!

Very inspiring.

Have a great weekend!

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