Sunday, October 14, 2012

Friday Finds

I know it has been a really long time since I have posted about my "Friday Finds!"  Trust me though, I've been out there hunting as much as possible, looking for treasures like these two I found this past Friday!

I found this amazing cuff bracelet at one of my favorite spots.  It is brass and has amazing details.  It looks like it has leather between the brass and the carved details.  I really don't know much about it...but I loved it and had to have it!  I'm plan to continue to learn more about this piece, in the meantime, I'll be wearing it as much as possible!
This dress has to be one of my favorite 
finds to date! It is a 1940s dress from the maker R&K Originals.  It is in amazing condition, especially for it's age!  It has the sweetest details; from the lace around the collar, to the amazing pleating and brass buttons!  You can read a little more about the company here.  

This dress is available on my etsy shop for your consideration.

Thank you for visiting and happy hunting! 

Team Spirit Hair Flowers

Show your team spirit with these one-of-a-kind, handmade flowers! 
Teams Available:
University of Texas
Texas A&M (pictured)
Texas Tech
University of Oklahoma
Dallas Cowboys (pictured)

All flowers measure approximately 4" in diameter.  The price varies from $12-$15 depending on the center used (top photo-$12, bottom photo- $15).  They all have a ribbon lined, non-slip lined alligator clip on the back.  

Have a special request? Send it my way! Thank you!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Handmade Shop

If  you've reached this blog looking for my handmade accessories, check out my Handmade Shop HERE!  Feel free to contact me with custom order requests and I'll see what I can do! Thank you so much!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Vintage Loves

It's been a little while since my last post so I just wanted to quickly post a few pictures of a few of my recent favorite found treasures.  I'll be honest...I haven't been great about taking pictures lately, but I'll get back in the habit-- promise! :)

The necklace above is seriously unreal incredible.  It's in near mint condition and made with strings of lightweight painted wood beads!  I found it in a little antique mall in my hometown and was ecstatic to be able to take it home and call it mine...especially since I "fought" my sister for it!  I promised her I would not sell it (how could I?) and that she could borrow it any time (we share!).  For those of you who don't know, my baby sister is my best friend, my "mini-me", and my co-treasure hunter.  She has great style and we work really well together!

 People always say, "photos just don't do this justice", but that is SO TRUE for this adorable mint dress with pretty scalloped lace!  I had to give this little gem a little TLC but it is so stinking cute, it was worth it.  Too bad it's TINY!!!!

Now these white screw post chandelier earrings are one of my all-time favorite finds.  At a recent estate sale I got a few cute pairs of earrings (some of which I'll be re-purposing for a necklace-stay tuned), but these beauties almost got missed, as they were hidden in the fancy display case.  They aren't in perfect condition but I just couldn't pass them up!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Entry Way Re-Do with a Thrifted STEAL!

I've mentioned in the past that Saturdays are the best days to hit the estate sales if you're looking for steals.  If you drive up during the last hour, look to do some major bargaining and clear some room in your trunk!  I benefited recently from this method and walked away with an awesome, hand crafted antique wooden entry table for my entry hall, a room that had stood practically empty for *cough* nearly 2 years *cough*.  

The table may not look like it, but it was in a pretty rough state, however, I knew it had great potential.  The only real issue that couldn't be overcame with a little TLC was the lack of drawers.  I believe it was for this reason that it was marked so inexpensive and was still available on day 3 of a big estate sale (that and It was hidden under lots of nick knacks).  I scored this table for....$4 and some change.  I was pretty proud...still am.  I knew that I would have to factor in paint and baskets, but at that price, I knew I'd still come in way under budget.  

Here is a picture of my final product.  After a thorough sanding with the electric sander, and patience painting, I added a few accessories and now have a very inviting entry way!

Total Costs:
Table: $4
Paint: Free (Found in Garage)
Baskets: $16 (Hobby Lobby- Half Off)
Lamp: $20 (TJ Maxx Clearance)
Painting: TJ Maxx (Old)
All other accessories from around house/garage

Have you ever re-done furniture? What are your favorite places to find pieces? What are your favorite techniques?

Monday, May 7, 2012

Welcome, Baby Girl!

Handmade Felt Wreath for the Hospital Room Door

A few weeks ago, on a beautiful spring afternoon, we welcomed the newest member of the family, sweet baby Emersyn.  We had been looking forward to this day since our sister-in-law gave us the news, and as you can see below, we couldn't be more smitten! 

Proud Aunt and Uncle with our sweet niece!

I also co-hosted a baby shower for my sister-in-law a few months back and snapped a few shots of some of the decor.  For the shower, I made my first ever diaper cake (there are so many great, free tutorials online), some fun bright felt garland, and a name banner!  We decorated the room with the garland and bright paper lanterns hanging from the ceiling.  It was simple but fun.  I saved the wreath I made (above) for her birthday, and hung it on her hospital room door!  

Diaper Cake

Gift Table
The shower theme was primarily just to match with the nursery colors, which I love!  I found the perfect stationary for the shower invites that were right in line with the scheme.  We hosted the shower at one of her aunt's apartment club house, which was nice and centrally located for all of her guests.  

Shower Invitation
During the shower we served a selection of tea sandwiches, pasta salad, and veggies, ate cupcakes, and played some baby jeopardy.  I'm not a huge shower game fan, but everyone had a lot of fun.  The categories were all baby related, for example: Baby Animals (A: Fawn, Q: What is a baby deer?), Baby Talk (A: Binky, Q: What is a pacifier?), Baby Tunes (A: "Baby, Baby, Baby, Ohhhh" Q: Who is Justin Beiber?), Famous Babies (A: Apple, Q: Who is Gweneth Paltrow's daughter?), etc.  Prizes were awarded and new facts were learned! 

I also created this little "Wishes for Baby" card for each guest to complete for the baby's memory book.  It is something simple that will bring smiles for years, and serves as a guest book as well.  I got this idea here and just designed my own to match the shower and be personalized.

Wishes for Baby card

What are your favorite things about baby showers?  Any favorite games?  I'd love to hear them, as I plan on hosting many, many more showers for friends and family in the future.  I cant help it... I truly enjoy "showering" the ones I love!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Bright, Handmade, Fun

Summer time is upon us...well not technically, but I'd say the 99 degree high today is good enough reason to call it summer.   I have a love/hate relationship with summer pool days, bbqs, and vacations...hate the excruciating heat!  

Since It's been hot here for weeks, I've been pulling out all my old summer dresses and swimsuits and shopping for new ones in preparation.  I also organized my closets and craft room.  While looking through my fabrics, I realized I didn't have any bright fun fabrics to go with all fun summer clothes available right now.  Not acceptable.  I was thrilled to pick up a few new prints while running errands earlier this week and put together these fabric flowers, just in time for summer!

While making them, I envisioned them on headbands or clips for the hair, or on a purse, clutch or beach bag.  I am excited to pick up some more bold prints to see how they turn out!

What would you use these flowers for?

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wedding Season and Easter Weekend Fun...with a Birthday thrown in there!

Wedding Season is in FULL SWING and boy, do I love weddings!  Call me a romantic, but I cry at every single one, right at the moment of the bride coming down the isle!  Love is beautiful, and nothing says love like the look on the faces of a giddy, gushing, glowing bride and groom!

Since my mind has been on weddings lately, and because I had a custom hair piece request, I have jumped back on the bridal accessory making train.  Bridal accessories are so much fun to make and I really enjoy helping brides complete their vision for their perfect day.

Above is a hair piece I made for a friend for her wedding this Friday.  It is a peacock themed wedding and I am happy I was able to make her something special.  The center will be different because she is adding her own brooch, but I used a trusty stand in for the photo.  Also, the lighting made the center look a little yellow so I'll post a picture of it in action after the big day!

I put this clutch together for fun and loved the way it turned out.  I think it would be fun for a bride to have this one and then the bridesmaids to have matching ones with the flower in the color of the wedding theme/dresses.  You can't tell by the picture, but the center is swarovski crystals.

Above are two other past wedding pieces I have made.  There are so many different options and I really enjoy changing things up and experimenting with new materials, designs and colors.  

We have a big weekend ahead of us and I'm super pumped and anxious!  Tomorrow night we are going to dinner for my birthday with family at one of my favorite places, Fralos Pizza in Leon Springs.  Then Friday, Good Friday, is my birthday and the wedding of two very special friends.  Then Saturday we are spending with my in-laws on the lake for Easter, lots of quality family time and hopefully a chance to get out on the water.  Then Easter Sunday we are spending with my family, and of course, hunting for Easter eggs...what? I'm too old for that? Please...they put money in those things now.  

On a serious note, Happy Easter Weekend!  He is Risen!  Blessings to you all! Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Fancy Faye Handmade...New Items!

It has been awhile since I listed new items in my online shop.  I've been bad.  I get into this system of creating and don't take the time to photograph (which I think I'm horrible at) and list.  Since I'm not about to model these hair flowers, the headless mannequin is showing them off.  I have so much new stuff that needs to be posted...but I'm happy to say I finally got a few of them done today!  Check them out here:

Now, back to creating.

Monday, March 19, 2012

A Vintage Dream

One of the many things that I love about hunting for vintage is the opportunity to find once-in-a-lifetime "treasures."  The photos below show examples of exactly that.  First you see is a 1970's Halston blouse, fully beaded and immaculate.  Can't you just see this on a celebrity?  Who knows, maybe one day you will!

 Another item I recently stumbled upon is this Fendi 365 skirt.  Isn't it so classic?  The tailoring on designer clothes is lovely.

As much as I love finding designer threads, I also can't get enough of pieces that are super unique and retro!  Check out these two pieces I picked up last Thursday:

Funky Floral Gown

The super funky floral gown on the left spoke to me.  It is in unbelievable condition and has the most fun details, from its hippie print to its petal fringed cuffs!  It is so beautiful when it moves!  If you're interested it it, click the link below and it will take you to the listing on my etsy shop.  

Psychedelic Caftan
I also loved this psychedelic caftan on right.  Who could pass that up?  Its so artistic with its crazy print and cool color scheme.  I could totally see this on a hot summer day over a swimming suit or belted and out in the evening.  Click the link below to see the listing!  

Thanks for stopping by!  Drop me a line and let me know you visited! :) Oh, and give me a "follow" if you'd like!

Friday, March 16, 2012


Hi Friends,  

So sorry I have been MIA.  I have been very sick and unable to get motivated to write/photograph/do anything I'm not obligated to do.  Good news though...I'm feeling much better and have soooo much to catch up on! :) 

Until then, XOXO!

Monday, February 27, 2012

A Tasty, "Healthier" Chicken Salad

For those of you who don't know me, I am weird about condiments.  I don't really like them and if I happen to eat them, they are in very small quantities or hidden in recipes.  For example: I will eat a tiny bit of ketchup on my french fries, however, I would still prefer honey.  I don't eat mayo or mustard but will grab some at the store for 1 of 2 specific recipes: mayo for chicken salad, mustard for salmon (very very occasionally).  Today I'll share how I like to make chicken salad.

My (Healthier) Chicken Salad

2 Chicken Breasts
Celery- 1 stalk
Green Onions- 1/2 bunch
Apple (pink lady, jazz, etc.)- half
Mayo (I use Low fat Hellmann's- the green label)
Mrs. Dash (Original Blend)
Dill Weed

1) Start by warming your grill pan to medium with olive oil.  Coat the chicken breasts to taste in Mrs. Dash.  Cook the chicken.  Salt to taste when cooked.
2) While the chicken cooks, chop the celery, green onions, and half the apple. Place in refrigerator while chicken cooks/cools.
3) Once the chicken cools, shred it/chop it and add to celery, green onions and apple mixture.  
4) Add mayo to taste.  Since I'm not a huge fan, I only use about 1 heaping table spoon. Some people like their chicken salad more "wet" and creamier, I prefer more "dry" and crunchier (lots of celery, little dressing).  
5) Mix everything together well to spread about the mayo.  A little does go a long way.  
6) Sprinkle with dill weed, to taste (I like a ton).  Mix it all together again and refrigerate for 3-4 hours before eating.  

I call this a healthier version because you are using a very little low fat mayo and chicken breasts.  You could take it one step healthier and just grill the chicken, eliminating the need for olive oil.  I've also heard of people adding grapes and/or nuts to their salad...get creative and make it how you like it.    

If you try it, let me know what you think! :)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Night at the Museum

Warhol in San Antonio.  

Last night my sister an I had a date night at the museum.  We stood inches away from the actual canvases of Picasso, Renoir, Monet, and of course, Warhol, just to name a very few.  The same canvases they stood inches away from creating this history.  It simply just blows my mind.  I'm not sure why; I guess because to me, experiencing art is so amazing, and it's right here in my home town.  Love.

My sister is a junior art major at UTSA and is a very talented artist herself.  It was fun having her there to school me on all things art history that I only vaguely remember from high school art class.  We had such a great time admiring the talents of those before us and are so thankful to be able to do so, so accessibly.  We left close to closing with a commitment to return as often as possible and dreams of traveling to other museums around the world.

Takeaways: Art is everywhere.  Appreciate different points of view.  Don't disregard mistakes as trash, as they are part of the process.  Collect more art!  Create more art!

Very inspiring.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Handmade/ Reinvented Clutch

Fancy Faye Handmade/ Reinvented Clutch

Fully lined, Handmade Clutch
Yesterday, while working on other projects, a wave of inspiration came to me to create this clutch.  I had all the materials on hand and suddenly envisioned them being used together.  It is made of reinvented and vintage materials, from the vintage beaded form (from an old clutch) to the retro fabric (estate sale find)...right down to the thrifted metal zipper and thread.  The only exception is the red satin.  I'm digging it.  

Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday Finds

While running errands today, I swung by an estate sale going on down the road from me.  I left with some steals and wanted to quickly share them.  By the way, my vintage "shop" is open!  Check it out online...

1980s Laurence Kazar Beaded Peach Cocktail Dress- Mint Condition
Cut out the shoulder pads and you're good to go.

1970s Valentina Ltd. Sheath Dress- Great Condition
Shorten it and pair it with some black tights. Cute!

 1980s Pendleton Blazer- Like New
Unbutton it and pair it with skinny jeans, a cute top, and boots. Classic.

I'm off to get ready for a night of celebrating a beautiful bachelorette! Have a great Friday night, everyone!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Saturday at Pearl & The Garage of Good Recap

Last month I posted about an upcoming event that is held at Pearl and that I look forward to every time it comes around: The Garage of Good.  It took place this past Saturday and boy, did we make a day of it. 

Just when we thought winter had pretty much missed San Antonio all together, we got quite a little cold front this past weekend.  However, despite the wind and chill, it was an absolutely beautiful day at the Pearl (one of my fave spots in town- can you tell?).  

We arrived at the event just shortly after it opened and it was jam packed...especially the booth I was most excited about: The Kendra Scott Sample Sale!  Kendra Scott jewelry can be found in high end retailers like Nordstrom, boutiques, and her own stores.  She hails from just up I35 in Austin and we ("San Antonians") were odviously more than thrilled to have her here!  I patiently sifted through all the beautiful pieces, having to show quite a bit of self control as I wanted EVERYTHING.  I came out with 4 pairs of earrings (one for my sister) and a necklace. Ahhhh-MAZING.  At this point, however, I could no longer feel my fingertips due to the cold and lack of sunlight under the highway. Brrrrrrrrrr....
More than satisfied with my finds, but slightly frustrated with the crowds, we decided to leave the Garage of Good retailer space for a bit and venture over to the farmer's market to meet up with my aunt and cousins, where we hung out for the next hour or so.  We just sat enjoyed the sunshine, live music, delicious food, and conversation... perfection.  I could just "hang out" there all day, especially in the company of my cousin's sweet daughter who I just adore!  Can't you just tell that was some delicious hot chocolate by that smile?

Speaking of delicious... check out the chicken and waffles we enjoyed.  I have never had this famous combination and let me tell you...It was out of this world!!!  It was made to order and unbelievably fresh.  The fried chicken was very lightly battered with the perfect combination of seasonings and the waffle was light and fluffy on the inside and crisp and flavorful on the outside.  Perfection.  It's no wonder they sold out!

With full bellies and thawed hands, we all headed back over the Garage of Good to finish out the day with some more shopping.  

What a perfect Saturday!!! And since the farmer's market is every Saturday, I look forward to making more memories at the Pearl Farmer's Market this year.  If you're local, I encourage you to check it out and support your community...because it is proven: when you buy local more money stays in the community.  That'll make you smile! 

  Have a wonderful day!  

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Andy Warhol at the McNay

Yesterday, while enjoying a beautiful (but chilly) day at the Pearl Brewery (post to come soon), I saw the huge billboard directly above me that I had somehow missed from the highway.  I have been planning on making a trip to the local art museum, the McNay, for a few weeks now but have been putting it off as other things come up.  Well, it appears there is an Andy Warhol exhibit in town!!!!  I'm super excited and know my sister will be happy to join me in admiring his fabulous pop art.  

From the McNay Art Museum Website:
"Andy Warhol: Fame and Misfortune -an exhibition exclusive to the McNay and San Antonio- assembles over 150 objects in all media, drawn from the rich collections of the Andy Warhol Museum in the artist’s hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Looking at Warhol’s lifelong obsession with both fame and disaster, the works included in this broad survey juxtapose icons of popular culture, legendary entertainers, art world luminaries, and world leaders, with images of suicides, automobile accidents, skulls, and an electric chair. This diverse range of paintings, drawings, prints, photographs, and films spans the three prolific decades of Warhol’s career, beginning in the mid-1950s and continuing through 1986, the year prior to his death."

Local friends, the McNay offers free admission on Thursday evenings (thanks to HEB) from 4-9pm to see the general collection!  Horray!  There is an optional fee to see the Warhol exhibit ($7), which is quite the steal!  

I know where I'll be this Thursday.  Who's coming with me? 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ahh-mazing Anne Fogarty Find

Circa 1960s Anne Fogarty Wool Cocktail Dress
My Photography skills (or lack thereof) absolutely cannot do this incredible dress justice.  This is the most gorgeous piece of vintage fashion I have ever come across and had the opportunity to purchase.  It is in pristine condition and the details and styling are total perfection.  

Incredible Detailing
American Designer, Anne Fogarty (1919-1980)
I will not hesitate to say that Anne Fogarty outdid herself with this one.  Based on research of Anne, I would date this garment to be from the 1960s and it looks to have maybe made an appearance once with it's previous owner...and I'm guessing it was a very special occasion.  

The wearer of this dress can ensure their figure will look impeccable in the form-fitting silhouette.  Anne was known for her sheaths being figure hugging with high narrow waists.  This number accentuates that narrow waist with gorgeous inverted pleating all the way around.  The dress is fully lined and appears to be made of wool with graduated black rhinestone detailing and a fun yarn hem.  Have you ever seen anything like this?  

The only surviving label is of the maker, and therefore there is no marked size.  I believe it to be an approximate modern size 4.  Since I'm no size 4, this piece is up for grabs. Lucky ducks.  

You can read more about Anne Fogarty here.  She was truly an amazing American talent.