Thursday, January 26, 2012

New to Me

A few weekends back I had the pleasure of helping my wonderful aunt move into a fabulous new place.  This move was a bit of a downsize so a lot of organizing, selling, donating, and purging was in order.  Moves are usually very stressful times--and this one was no different--but with the help of tons of family and friends, it was pretty darn successful and fun!  See, my aunt and I have almost identical taste...and we are both "collectors"--so her house is full of treasures left and right.  Pair that with making awesome new friends and visiting with family, and you've got a pretty fun move going on.  

With the downsize, my aunt knew she couldn't bring all of her pretty things with her, so she decided that the best alternative was to generously pass some of them along to her family where she knew they'd continue to be loved and cherished.  How amazing is that?  

Well, I was one lucky recipient of her generosity and am so happy to have such pretty "new" things in my home.  I can't even list all of the new treasures I brought home but by far my two favorites are an original painting by my great grandmother and another great grandmother's fine china.  

This absolutely gorgeous painting was done by my grandmother's very talented step mother, Nona Ella (Harrison) Gibens.  To my aunt, she was just "Grandma Ella."  Grandma Ella was a ceramic teacher at a shop in San Antonio and was odiously very talented in other areas of art as well.  This is the first piece of real, original art that I've ever owned and I'm excited for it to be the centerpiece on my future art wall.  (I say future because it can't really be an art wall with one piece.) For now, it will be the focal point on a formerly bare wall in our great-room.  

When my husband and I got married, we decided not to register for Fine China.  I suppose it was because it's so very expensive and, at the time, we felt we had other needs for our home that were of priority.  In the years since, I have regretted not having those special pieces that symbolized our joining and that we could pass along.  I guess everything works out in the end because we now own the most beautiful China that is even more special because it belonged to my great grandmother.  I'm in love.

Thank you, Aunt Vicki, for everything.  We will cherish your gifts forever.  

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