Sunday, January 22, 2012

Weekend Recap

As the weekend winds down, I am once again amazed how fast time flies.  Another week in the books.  My parents always told me that the older I got, the quicker they days would seem to pass...and they weren't kidding.
Snapshots from The Pearl Brewery
Friday evening started off with a quick trip to one of my favorite places in San Antonio, The Pearl Brewery.  There are such wonderful architectural details and textures there, it was the perfect place for my sister to get some photos for a photography project and for me to scope out some areas for an upcoming "photo shoot."  We shot photos until the sun was setting and then headed home to whip up a tasty spaghetti dinner.  After dinner we relaxed and visited for a bit before deciding to take a little trip down the road for some of our favorite margaritas and dessert at El Jarro restaurant.  Delicious!

El Jarro Margaritas and Tres Leches
The weather was unusually warm during the daytime this weekend, so we spent as much time outdoors as possible.  Saturday was so beautiful that it was tough being inside at all.  My husband and I ventured to the driving range and then came home and worked in the yard a bit.  Yes, it was so nice that even working in the yard was desirable.  I then got comfortable on the patio with a new read, A Vintage Affair by Isabel Wolff.  It was tough putting it down the rest of the weekend to get on with life.  More on that later.  By the time dinner time came around, I set it aside to spend time with my husband.  I made one of my favorite new meals, fish tacos; fresh tilapia grilled and wrapped in corn tortillas, garnished with red onion, cilantro, and a wonderful mango pico de gallo.  So light and wonderful, perfect after a beautiful day outside.  We still had some movie passes we received for Christmas begging to be used so we decided we'd go see the new movie, Haywire.  It was OK...I was neither impressed or disappointed.  But with that said, I must admit not a super tough movie critic, if I'm entertained, I'm happy.  My husband, on the other hand, thought it was horrible.  I'd recommend waiting and renting, or avoiding all together.  

I woke up Sunday feeling a little icky but made it out for a bit to my nephew's 7th birthday party which was all about Angry Birds.  To say that he is "into" them is an understatement.  In true Angry Bird fashion, instead of hitting his pinata with a bat, they launched softballs at the Angry Bird pinata with a giant slingshot.  I'll have to get some photos from my parents.  He has grown up so much over the last few years and has such a funny personality.  It's hard to believe he is already seven years old.
Micah's "Angry Birds" Birthday Cake
As I don't quite feel 100%, we left the party a little early to come home and rest.  His actual birthday was last weekend so we got to spend a lot of time with him then when we went bowling as a family.  He was too busy with his friends today to notice we snuck out right after he opened his gifts.  I was happy get home to watch football and read.  I finished the book and have to say that it is probably one of my favorites all time.  How could I not love it with a title like that!?

Monday is lurking but it is nice to look back on the weekend and be thankful for the amazing times I enjoyed with my husband and family.  Have a great week!

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